As Barb mentioned, this last stop on our Saturday evening agenda is worth a blog post of its own. Barb had told us about this piano bar in the Village that she and Kent go to every time they visit New York. All we had to do was locate it. We had just finished eating in a small diner near Canal Street and we set out to find our way through the jumbled mosaic of streets north through SoHo before the familiar street grid gradually starts to take hold around the Village. The six of us on foot following the glow of the iPhone GPS must have looked like a scout troop on an orienteering exercise.
We got to Marie’s around 10:30 to find the place was packed and there was a line outside. We quickly queued up as we overheard that the place starts to thin out at 12:30. Before we had time to get discouraged and consider other options the line started moving and we were told not to worry, that we would get in. They were letting people in two or three at a time but I did not see anyone coming out. Then we finally got in and I saw that the destination was in the basement of an ancient townhouse and as we went down the stairs I saw that the place was really packed, shoulder to shoulder, and all the patrons were singing showtunes at the top of their lungs to an upright piano churning out non-stop song after song. I wondered how this was going to work. But somehow we got through to the bar in back quite easily. We all got drinks and started to take in what was before us.
This was just one small room dimly lit only by miniature Christmas lights hanging from the joists. We had a good laugh at the large sign declaring that occupancy by more than 72 people is dangerous and unlawful as there was easily more than three times that. It appeared that every Broadway singer (aspiring, wannabes, and has beens) in New York was here and they knew the words to every song.
Marie’s is a good place to go to find out if you have any phobias. This place will be certain to trigger an attack if you suffer from any fears at all. Claustro-, agora-, homo-, or about half of them on this LIST.
We did manage to secure seats at the bar just outside of the fray and observe in relative safety. We finally headed home at 12:30…it did not thin out.