We have no idea where this adventure will take us.

We are truly entering uncharted waters.

Please feel free to follow along.

We will do our best to keep up with our activities.

A collection of virtual postcards from the Big Apple.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eighth Visitors

After a lull in visitors over the summer we are getting quite a few lined up now for the rest of September and going forward. First up in this wave was Thursday evening when we got to visit with Tim and Janet Jury.

They were nearby neighbors at our last house and we had brought in the New Year with them for most of the last decade. Tim was also one of the founding members of our little poker group at Lake Quivira and has been entrusted with keeping my old poker chips.

Tim contacted me just a couple of weeks ago to let us know they were coming and that their hotel was literally just around the corner. We met at our apartment for a little wine and catching up. The sky was clear when they arrived but it immediately started to rain. Before too long it turned into a full blown thunderstorm. To see more on this storm see the previous post. Then, as if on cue, the skies brightened just as we finished our drinks and we were able to go across the street to Maison and be served outdoors as if nothing happened. On an previous stop at this restaurant we got caught in the rain and we had to scurry inside and after the weather cleared up I saw how quickly the staff dried off the tables and recovered. It was like choreography. So I knew all would be okay. Coincidentally New York has had two tornadoes this year, a rarity, and both nights we were at this very restaurant.

We all enjoyed our French cuisine in the middle of Manhattan just feet from the official border of Times Square. We were close enough that the flashing colored lights created stray reflections on every smooth surface. New York’s aurora borealis dancing all around.

Unfortunately the Jurys only had the one night here but we were so glad they reached out to us and we said our goodbyes knowing that we would be getting together again down the road, perhaps in another city and in another country.

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