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A collection of virtual postcards from the Big Apple.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Outdoor Skating At Bryant Park

Today was unusually warm, well into the sixties, so Toni and I headed out to soak in some of the great weather. We went with my choice, Bryant Park. In the winter they take up the sod in the center of the park and install an outdoor skating rink lined with Christmas shops. At this point the shops are nearly all gone and rink will be removed in another week or so.

Enjoy this short video.

This was a rare day to enjoy skating without being all bundled up. There were lots of tee shirts and tank tops and even a suit or two. We must have been there over an hour with old jazz and big band playing over head. It seems odd that on the sidewalks all around the park crowds of people are moving in such chaos while here on the rink it is just as crowded but everyone is flowing and harmonious.

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