We have no idea where this adventure will take us.

We are truly entering uncharted waters.

Please feel free to follow along.

We will do our best to keep up with our activities.

A collection of virtual postcards from the Big Apple.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nineteenth Visitors

When we were in Toronto we spent an evening with one of my cousins on Mom’s side, Dawna Wightman. We had been in touch by email and phone for a few years but this was our first face to face meeting. She is an actor in the bustling film, TV, and commercial fields in Toronto. We found out that she had an audition scheduled in New York City the following week just blocks from our apartment so we offered up our couch for the night. We made plans for a dinner at our place. I also contacted Brent Nosworthy, another cousin who happens to live in Harlem. Brent and I have also been in contact for some time but had not met either. We had a wonderful miniature family reunion, sharing stories of our common heritage, our parents, grandparents, and other cousins. Oh, and of course, our upcoming move to Canada.

Brent’s father, Buddy, was not only Grandpa’s brother but his best friend as well. Dawna’s mother, Patsy, was Grandpa’s youngest sister and also had lived with my grandparents for a while when my mom and uncle were very young. So this particular combination of descendants seemed extra special.

Dawna also had a huge surprise for me. She handed me a small ring box and told me to open it. I did and saw a modest gold colored band. Its significance was lost on me at the moment. Dawna pointed out the inscription inside which showed my Grandfather’s name. It turned out that my Great Grandmother had the ring and gave it to Dawna decades ago without any explanation. Then a couple of months ago Dawna was moving some boxes when one fell to the floor and this ring box fell out.

We will never know the story behind this ring but I am certain that this is the first time it has been outside Canada. It will be returning there with me in just a few days. If I believed in magic I might think this will provide safe passage for me to Toronto.


  1. You all look great! I think our parents and especially our grandparents would be flabbergasted to know that the "kids" are all connecting through this internet technology. How wonderful and amazing!

    Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto. Please bring that ring with you. We can all use a little "magic" in our lives.

  2. Wearing it now. We will be there in ten days! Wow!

    I think a proper all out reunion will be in the works down the road.
