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A collection of virtual postcards from the Big Apple.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday Shopping

Toni steps in again today.

No matter how simple you try to live you still need to clean, eat, communicate, be entertained and pay bills. That begets computers, TVs, receipts, checks, charge cards, groceries, swifters, vacuum cleaners, etc. My closets and drawers are all being used now, but I'll be damned if they won't stay organized. So after a luxurious morning of sleeping in, I went to Staples and bought several desk organizers to hold all the crap. Then to the MoMA store where they have great, cheap drawer dividers and small plastic bottles. I use the bottles for the shower so the big bottles of soaps and shampoos can be stored away. Why a museum store would have such minutiae is a mystery, but I suspect it is because they also carry expensive designer brief cases and travel bags and you are supposed to put these little things in them.

After such a successful shopping trip I treated myself to Blue Point oysters at Rosie O'Grady's before I went home. It was my first encounter with raw oysters and now I am addicted. It was also my first time at this restaurant which is directly across the street calling to me everyday. It is a lot like Houston's in Kansas City, not a place you would go everyday.

I returned home and organized with a vengeance. Those of you that know me well, I have just described in these two paragraphs the makings of Toni's perfect day.

My shopping luck today was just too good so I went back out. If I go two blocks in any direction from my apartment, I can shop at a Duane Reade drug store. Unfortunately, the DR has limited selections of most products that keep me allergy free and age ambiguous so my list of needed items was growing. There was no alternative but to venture to Walgreen's ten blocks South down 7th Avenue. A drug store with escalators just has to have everything you need and it does.

I know a lot of you would love to take this stroll just for the thrill of being in Times Square, so I equipped myself with that attitude and headed out in the late Saturday afternoon heat. I made my way through the throngs of people, dodging smokers and bumping into gawkers who stop suddenly. Instead of being irritated by the crowd and the climate I enjoyed reading the theater marquees and jumbo-trons as I walked through. I entered the Walgreen's at 42nd and Broadway and proceeded to obtain every item on the list from all three floors of the store. I remembered to bring my slightly used MoMA shopping bags that were the perfect size for my booty. Sad to leave the air conditioning, I ventured home the way I came, a shopping bag slung over each arm.

However, what once was merely a crowded sidewalk was now overflowing with people. With each block the bags were heavier and the heat more oppressing, but I was still in heaven thinking how lucky I am to be in one of the most exciting places in the world, even if I was just buying shampoo and shaving cream.

1 comment:

  1. hahaaaa!!!!!! That's so Toni! I would have loved this excursion!
